Member Benefits

  • All LBPA members will receive a “Certificate of Membership” to be displayed in their business.
  • You can attend our LBPA meetings which are once a month to plan for upcoming social hours, promotions, etc. as well as have input on them.
  • You can participate in any one of our committees to get involved.
  • You can attend a Social Hour to network with other business owners.  There you can ask how they do things, etc.
  • LBPA donates money every year toward the Christmas lights/decorations downtown
  • LBPA has a website that you can put a link to your business on as well as other informative information on the site.
  • LBPA puts out and maintains the flower pots downtown.
  • LBPA maintains the visitor’s booth and your business information can go in it.
  • LBPA support other local organizations by donating money to them.
  • LBPA has local business promotions during the year that your business would be a part of.
  • LBPA offers Lena Money to be used exclusively at LBPA members businesses only.  This is a check that can be purchased by anyone at any of the three banks in Lena.  People normally purchase these as gifts to give friends and family.  The recipient will receive a list of LBPA businesses where the checks can be presented at.  The check then goes with that business’s deposit and is treated as a check.
  • LBPA has the “Discover Lena Game” wheel at the Lena Fall Festival.  Each business in the LBPA can donate give away and bonus prizes.  If a business donates those items, their name is put on the wheel.  Anyone can spin the wheel for a chance to land on your business and receive a give away from you or land on the bonus spot and receive a bonus prize from your business.
  • In addition to the Lena Business and Professional Association’s advocacy work on behalf of business, it also assists businesses of all types by improving their bottom line through a number of benefit programs. As an added benefit, LBPA members are welcome to share the M2M (Member-to-Member) value-added program with their respective employees. It is not necessary to provide a discount to receive a discount from fellow member. However, you must be a member to participate. Take advantage of bringing new clients to your business by participating. Contact us with the terms of your discount.